Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Byron and Gold Coast

Time I got off my lazy a$$ and posted some more pics, these were taken during the Xmas and New year break

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Work so far

Stuff that I have done so far ... will try to remember what I did to make these pics, but I'm still noob so most of them are just positioning and clicking =D.

Taken @ Bondi while visiting the markets, Photoshop for colour effects

Some old photos, this was when I didnt have my SLR yet, taken with a Nikon D40, @ Tempus 2 Winery in the Hunter Valley

Another old one taken @ Port Stephens after going whale watching

Pictures taken from Bora Bora, Post editing done in Photoshop

My first attempt at a timed waterfall shot

Bridge shot was taken while attending a friends wedding, 2nd shot was the decoration on top of the wedding cake

Some random leaves, I really like the colours, it really reminds you of Autumn, was taken @ Leura

more pics to come soon ...


Finally decided to get off my a$$ to create a blog.  Don't know how long this will take to set up but should be fun ... going to have to learn about animated gifs and such.

Well the purpose of the blog is somewhere to post up my pictures, I had a few people say to me that I should start one so here it is.  Comments are welcome - I will try to take feed back positively and use them as a learning experience.
